Thursday, May 15, 2014

Friday, 051614

A. PC - build to 1RM
rest 5 minutes
B. 8 min AMRAP at 90% of A
C. 300m Power Sprints 
x 10 on Rower; rest 5/1
* Power here, maintain high AE %
D. 5 rds 
15 GHD Situps
20 Band Scap Squeezes 
3 TGU each arm (light)*speed stability focus


  1. A.) Power Clean: 245lbs (no moving of feet)
    B.) 8min @ 225: 32 reps
    C.) Only had time for 8 Sets (had to teach class) Ave Time: 52.1 Ave Watts: 516w
    D.) NFT 5 Rounds with 26lb KB

  2. A. 80kg/176 lb PC. Easy but ugly. Knees in, driving off toes, feet wide.
    B. 26 reps at 158lb. Paced this too much. Failed 2
    C. About 1 min per round. Kept about a 1:44 pace
    D. 5 rds nft 26lb kb
