Monday, June 9, 2014

Tuesday, 061014

Join us every Saturday at CrossFit Free; 10am. All Program Design and competition athletes are welcome. Throw down weekly and get together with like minded athletes. Join us! 

A1. CG Deadlift; build to heavy double with 3 positional pause (2 seconds each position) 1. Off floor 2. below knee 3. mid thigh ; rest none 
A2. 1/2/1 Seated Box Jump - Explosive Training - 
*the 1 should be at a higher height, 2 reps at bit lower, 1 back high etc. Alternate between 1 and 2 rep box jumps with each set of CG Deadlift at working sets. 
B. Triple Fwd Bounding - build to max heigh for 3 consecutive fwd bounds 
C. EMOM x 14
odd: 1 legless Rope Climb - 15’ 
even:  15/12 Cal Row 

A. MAP @80-85% ; sustainability being the focus 
amrap 10
7/5 Strict Pullups
10 KB Swings (heavy)
15 Box Jumps (24/20) step down 
rest 4 min 
4 rds 
400m Run 
15 GHD Back Extensions
rest 4 min 
amrap 10
10m HS Walk
10 tng Power cleans (95/63)
20 double unders 
B. 3x10 RDL ; slow tempo, feel this!
C. Lunge Good Mornings 3 x 12 steps (barbell)

1 comment:

  1. 1st
    A. CG DL with 3 position pause (2 sec) for a double
    B. Bounding work - triples

    A. AMRAP 10
    7 strict pullups
    10 KB swings (88)
    15 box jumps (24) step down
    Score: 5 + 25
